The Central Curriculum of Education

the praxis of be(com)ing human


  • Sohaila Javed Javed


This piece (written in response to reading about our environmental crises,
especially concerns raised by Erazim Kohak, 1999) is an invitation to
readers for an intentional and reflective pause, as reflecting subjects, to
step inside self so as to experience the marvels of progression from mere
human being unto becoming human. Its essence is reciprocity between
these two evolving moments of self, the first prior awakening to essential
self, and then, functioning that potentiality into actuality for it determines
“the entity to be and to become what it potentially is…” (Shalom, 1984).
This paper amounts to looking at the form-matter unity from inside the
unity, and then, working out of our status quo, becoming our own active
outsider. Its investigatory purpose arises as a coming-in response to our
contemporary awakening to spirituality, and the pedagogical implications
of such a response. This reflective piece has words and poetry in italics
that is my creation, Reference (words carrying superscript), Glossary
(words in bold), and Bibliography sections.
Sohaila Javed
Here perhaps begins a deep undertaking of life--discovering a dimensio




How to Cite

Javed, S. J. (2023). The Central Curriculum of Education: the praxis of be(com)ing human . Journal of Research in Humanities, 45(01), 1–32. Retrieved from


